Thursday, December 27, 2007

Screwdriverxrayct3A Farmington family enjoyed a particularly merry Christmas this year, with their 2-year-old daughter home and relatively unharmed less than a week after she stabbed herself in the eye with a screwdriver.

Teagan Gislason returned home on Christmas Eve after nearly a week at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Her father, Neil Gislason, said that she hurt herself near the end of a church service at St. Paul's Lutheran in Cannon Falls.

He was with his three daughters at the church when Teagan, who he said was feeling restless, wandered into a room where children have adult supervision during the church service. The girl found a screwdriver, he said, and another adult saw it sticking out of her left eye.

An x-ray showed the screwdriver penetrated her eye socket, five centimeters into her brain. Doctors took four hours to remove it.

Screwdriver1A week later, Teagan is home with her family. Her vision appears to be fine, and her only mark is a scar on her eyelid.

"She's our Christmas miracle," said Katie Gislason, Teagan's mother.

With news video.



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